We go through a number of processes to make sure our information is accurate, up to date and engaging. Find out about how we produce our patient and health information, and the style guide we follow. You can also find out about the history of our patient information. 

A history of these pages

The About Cancer pages began life as CancerHelp UK, one of the first comprehensive cancer websites based in the UK. 

Editorial policy

This is the editorial policy for producing and reviewing health and patient information for Cancer Research UK's About Cancer web pages. 

Clinical trials database editorial policy

This document sets out the editorial policy for the production of information on our clinical trials database.

Clinical trials database pro forma

This page tells you about the different sections on our clinical trials database, and the information included in each one.

Style guide for health and patient information pages

This is the style guide for Cancer Research UK's pages on health and patient information. It includes information about inclusive language, plain English and tone of voice.

How we keep our information up to date

The Patient Information Web team and expert reviewers regularly check and revise all the patient information on the website. 

Lay review guidelines

Cancer Research UK's About cancer information is written for the general public and for people with cancer and their family and friends. Find out how you can help us to develop and improve the information.  

Writer guidelines

Cancer Research UK’s health and patient information style guide is based on the principles of plain English. We use reputable sources to keep our information up to date. 

Checklist for information production and review

See our checklist for producing patient information pages for the Cancer Research UK website.

Information for students

As a research charity, we do not have the resources to help the large number of students who contact us about their project work. But there is a lot of information on the Cancer Research UK website that you will find helpful. 

Last reviewed: 
02 Jan 2025
Next review due: 
02 Jan 2025