Symptoms of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)

Symptoms of AML can be similar to those caused by other illnesses. The symptoms are caused by too many abnormal white blood cells and not enough normal white cells, red cells and platelets. 

Symptoms of AML might include one or more of the following:

  • feeling weak or tired

  • a high temperature (fever)

  • picking up or not being able to shake off infections such as coughs and colds

  • bruising and bleeding easily

  • breathlessness

  • weight loss

  • swelling of your lymph nodes

  • pain in your bones or joints

  • feeling full in your tummy (abdomen)

  • looking pale or washed out

General weakness

You might feel weaker than normal. 

Feeling tired (fatigue)

You might feel more tired than normal, even if you are getting a good night's sleep.

A high temperature (fever)

You might have a high temperature or feel feverish.

Frequent infections

You might pick up infections such as coughs and colds easily. Or you might find that the infections last a long time and are difficult to shake off.

Bruising or bleeding easily

You might have:

  • nosebleeds
  • bleeding gums when you clean your teeth
  • very heavy periods
  • small dark red spots on your skin
  • blood in your wee (urine) or poo (stool)

You might find you are bruising more easily than normal.

Short of breath (breathlessness)

You might notice that you’re feeling breathless more than usual or for a lot of the time. You might feel out of breath after your normal day to day activities or from climbing a short flight of stairs. This could be because you do not have enough red blood cells (anaemia).

Other symptoms of anaemia include heart palpations, chest pain, headaches and dizziness. 

Weight loss

You might lose weight even if you haven't changed your diet.

Pain in your bones or joints

You might feel pain in your bones or joints. This might be a dull ache or more of a stabbing pain. It might be worse at different times of the day.

Feeling full in your tummy (abdomen)

You might have a feeling of fullness or discomfort in your tummy (abdomen).

This can happen if your liver or spleen Open a glossary item are swollen.

Pale skin

You might look paler or more 'washed out' than normal. This could also be because you do not have enough red blood cells.

Other symptoms

Less common symptoms include lumps on the skin and swollen lymph nodes. Your lymph nodes (glands) might feel swollen when you touch them. You have lymph nodes in lots of places in your body. They might feel swollen in:

  • your neck
  • under your armpit
  • in your groin
When to see your doctor

If you have any of these symptoms, you must get checked out by your GP. 

The symptoms of AML are often vague and can be caused by other medical conditions.

The earlier an acute leukaemia is picked up, the easier it is to treat and the more likely treatment is to be successful. So go to your GP as soon as possible.

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