Amy's breast cancer story

Read Amy's story about getting diagnosed with breast cancer, recovering from surgery and getting back into life.

I never expected to be diagnosed with cancer at 30.

My 30th year was always going to be my year of travels, of life, success and love. So when they told me I had cancer my world fell apart. It took away a huge part of me and really knocked my confidence, but deep down I knew I could still be that bubbly girl who embraces each day. I had two operations, four and a half months of chemotherapy and three weeks of radiotherapy. My family and friends helped me through the months of treatment – having their support was so important and gave me strength when I needed it most.

When I went into remission it took me months to realise that crying was ok, that it was ok to grieve for a part of me, emotionally and physically, that I’d lost. I don’t have the same body I had before, I still have monthly injections and daily pills, and at times I still feel slightly lost. But now I can start to rebuild my life and think about my future.

I’ve always treasured my family and friends, those who stood by me through cancer, and I treasure them even more so now.

Last reviewed: 
19 Apr 2023
Next review due: 
19 Apr 2026

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