Hi It's more than likely nothing but I had a smear on Monday and a polyp was discovered. Nurse wanted the doctor to look at it so was going to speak to her on Monday and get back to me. I got a phone call in Monday to say Doctor was not worried as I had no symptoms I do i have been bleeding! the nurse said she was off on Tuesday but would speak to another doctor on Wenesday and phone me. She didn't phoned today and I was told she had spoken to the docotr again on monday and they had decided to do nothing until the smear rresults come back which I get but then surely these things need to be taken out. I have an appointment for the 4th March when the results should be back!!!!! They know i am worried but dont seem bothered. I was given the impression on Monday that I would be seen my a doctor this week and we would have things resolved as it is I am to wait six weeks. I asked what happens if it comes back at inconclusive am I to wait another six weeks and there was no reply. I'm worried sick as I know with the current situation things are taking longer so surely I should be referred to have to taken out as they do not do these at my surgery least then I can join the queue for the appointments instead of waiting six weeks to do so.