Side effects of chemotherapy

Most chemotherapy side effects are temporary, but some people are affected months or years after treatment.

About side effects of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can cause different side effects. How you feel will depend on the drug you are having and your cancer.

Late side effects of chemotherapy

Most chemotherapy side effects are temporary and disappear once your treatment is over. For some people, chemotherapy can cause long term changes in the body months or years after treatment.

Cognitive changes (chemo brain)

Cognitive changes include problems with memory, concentration and how a person can think. It is also known as chemo brain or chemo fog.

DPD deficiency

Having a DPD deficiency could make the side effects of the chemotherapy drugs fluorouracil and capecitabine worse.

Last reviewed: 
22 May 2024
Next review due: 
21 May 2027