General radiotherapy side effects

Radiotherapy can cause many different side effects, such as tiredness. The side effects you get depends on the area that you're having treatment for. But there are some general side effects that you might experience regardless of where your cancer is. 

About radiotherapy side effects

Radiotherapy can cause some general side effects, such as tiredness and skin reactions.

Radiotherapy effects on your blood

Radiotherapy can affect your bone marrow and blood cells. This is more likely if you're having treatment to a large area of your body. 

Eating and drinking

You should try to eat a healthy and balanced diet during radiotherapy. You may have problems eating if you have radiotherapy to your head or neck.

Radiotherapy hair loss

External radiotherapy can cause hair loss in the area where you are having treatment. Your hair may come back after treatment finishes or the hair loss can be permanent. Find out how to take care of your hair during treatment. 


You might feel tired during your radiotherapy treatment and for a few weeks afterwards. Read about why this is and things you can do to help. 

Your skin

Radiotherapy treatment can affect your skin making it sore and look redder or darker than usual. Find out about ways to help your skin. 

Emotional effects

You might feel many different emotions during radiotherapy. Being tired can make any of the emotions that you're feeling even worse. There are ways to get help and support. 

Last reviewed: 
11 Jan 2024
Next review due: 
11 Jan 2027