Radiotherapy for vaginal cancer

Radiotherapy uses high energy waves similar to x-rays to kill cancer cells. You might have it as part of your treatment for vaginal cancer.

About radiotherapy for vaginal cancer

Radiotherapy uses high energy x-rays to kill cancer cells. You might have external or internal radiotherapy, or both, for vaginal cancer.

External radiotherapy for vaginal cancer

External radiotherapy uses a machine outside the body to direct radiation beams at cancer to destroy it.

Side effects of external radiotherapy for vaginal cancer

External radiotherapy for vaginal cancer can cause side effects. The side effects vary from person to person. They include tiredness, diarrhoea and skin changes.

Internal radiotherapy for vaginal cancer

Internal radiotherapy means giving radiotherapy to the cancer from inside the body.

Last reviewed: 
13 May 2024
Next review due: 
13 May 2027