Call for research funding committee members

We fund visionary cancer research of the highest standard. Our research strategy is supported by an outstanding community of over 450 expert peer reviewers who sit on our panels and funding committees every year.

We welcome applications from experts with relevant experience and expertise to become members of our research funding committees. Funding committees review, fund and manage grants and strategy within their scientific domains. 

We are working to increase diversity on all our committees and welcome applications from under-represented groups, including women, researchers from an ethnic minority background, and researchers with disabilities or long-term conditions. 

About you

You will be a prominent non-clinical or clinical scientist working in academia or industry, and an international leader in your field. You will have extensive expertise in an area matching a current vacancy and will have the breadth of knowledge and experience to contribute to discussions and provide advice beyond your immediate field of study.  

You will meet the following person specification: 

  • an outstanding record of internationally recognised research 
  • a track record in applying for and obtaining major grant funding (not essential for industry applicants) 
  • demonstrable research leadership related to an advertised vacancy 
  • ability to exercise judgement across a broad spectrum of research and policy issues  
  • established profile within the research community 
  • experience of contributing to peer review processes; experience of panel interviewing is highly desirable 
  • commitment to the principles and objectives of our research strategy and to promoting a positive research culture 
  • understanding of the UK research environment 

If you are successful, you are expected to commit to our equality, diversity and inclusion in research principles and to abide by Cancer Research UK’s Funding Committees and Panels Code of Practice.

About the opportunity

You will have the opportunity to use your expertise, contributing to our decision making on grant funding and shaping future strategy. You will hear about a broad range of cutting-edge research and will work with other highly experienced world-leading experts in cancer research and associated disciplines as well as patient and public representatives. Your contribution will support the work of the largest fundraising cancer research charity in the world and the largest funder of cancer research in Europe. 

New appointments are made for 3 years in the first instance, with the possibility of extension for a further 3 years. Committee meetings are held virtually or in person at our London based offices. An honorarium of £300 per day (£150 per half day) is paid for attendance at meetings. For in person meetings, travel and subsistence are reimbursed in line with Cancer Research UK policy.  

The commitment required varies but is usually around 6-10 committee days per year, plus preparation time, of which approximately half to two thirds (4-6 days) are in-person meetings.

How to apply

Our current round of vacancies has now closed.

To apply you will need to provide:  

  • up to 10 key words or phrases to describe your expertise 
  • details of previous membership of peer review committees and panels 
  • a short statement (up to 250 words) on your motivation for applying and suitability for the role 
  • a short statement (up to 250 words) on your wider contribution to the research community 
  • a summary of 5-10 recent research outputs that illustrate the quality and impact of your research  

We want to make our recruitment process and participation in committees inclusive and accessible to all. This includes making reasonable adjustments for individuals who need them. If you have any queries regarding the application process or would like to request reasonable adjustments, please contact: note you cannot apply by email. An application form will be shared when the next call for committee members opens.

Assessment criteria and notification of outcome

Applicants will be assessed on: 

  • scientific ‘fit’ for the vacancy  
  • scientific track record  
  • experience of peer review and wider contribution to the research community

We seek a balance of geographical and institutional diversity, national and international representation, industry-based expertise and those in receipt of Cancer Research UK funding. These factors will also play a part in the final decision making.  

If you are not successful in your application to join a Funding Committee, you will join our pool of potential reviewers and we may invite you at a future date to participate in an Expert Review Panel. 

Contact us

If you have any questions about committee vacancies or the application process, please contact

Current vacancies

Our current call for committee members has now closed. Get in touch for more details on our next round of recruitment.

Contact us


Our funding committees

Our funding committees cover topics across the breadth of cancer research fields, from behavioural research and epidemiology to drug discovery and clinical trials.

Peer review

To ensure we fund the best quality science and researchers, we operate a rigorous review process to make funding decisions.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in research

Mariam Jamal Hanjani working with colleagues

At Cancer Research UK, we believe your success as a researcher should be determined by the quality of your science – and nothing else. We are committed to creating equal, diverse and inclusive research environments that enable all brilliant minds to come together, thrive and progress.