Our Chief Executive and Executive Board work together to ensure that the charity continues to carry out world class research.
Our organisation

A number of bodies work together to ensure that we make the best use of the funds we receive and continue to carry out world-class research.
Get in touch
Our Trustees
The Council of trustees sets the Charity’s strategic direction, monitors the delivery of the Charity’s objectives, uphold its values and governance and advises the Chief Executive.
Our Code of Conduct
Our Code of Ethics
Our Code of Ethics serves as a guide for how to approach making difficult decisions and sets out how we’re all expected to conduct ourselves in our work for Cancer Research UK.
Our strategy to beat cancer

For the past 120 years, we’ve been making discoveries that have saved countless lives. But we have so much more to do. Our strategy sets out how we'll accelerate progress towards a better future.
Our Scientific Executive Board

The role of the Scientific Executive Board is to develop and implement Cancer Research UK's scientific strategy.
Our Members

Cancer Research UK’s constitution provides for the appointment of 100 Members of the charity which are similar to shareholders of a company.
Annual Report and accounts 2022/23

Our Annual Report and accounts 2022/23 reviews our performance for the year, our income and expenditure, the progress we're making against our objectives and our aims for the future.
Annual Supporter Update 2023/24

Your support has powered another year of life-saving research to beat cancer. Learn more about the progress you’ve made possible and the people it’s helped.
Responsible organisation at Cancer Research UK

We want to maximise the positive impact our life-saving research has on people and the planet, while minimising the negative impact.
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

As the UK’s largest charity, we recognise the positive role we can play in developing and embedding EDI best practice across all our business operations, including our public engagement and outreach work.