Annual supporter update 2023/24

A photo of Mei-Ling with her daughters

Mei-Ling was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer after finding a lump. Her treatment was shaped using outputs from the Personalised Breast Cancer Programme (PBCP), which successfully helped to identify the best course of treatment to give her the best chance of survival. 

Thank you for moving research forward

Your support has powered another year of life-saving research to beat cancer. Learn more about the progress you’ve made possible in 2023/24 and the people it’s helped.   

Read our annual update

Here’s how you’ve helped beat cancer this year

We're moving forward...

Read our annual report and accounts 2023/24

A photo of researchers in a lab

Get detailed information on how we spend your money and the progress we’ve made together over the last year.  

Get involved

A photo of Cancer Research Supporters at a Race For Life event

Whether you fundraise, volunteer, or pledge a gift in your Will, join our collective effort to help beat cancer.

Help shape our work

A photo from our patient involvement social gathering

We actively involve people affected by cancer in our work, so we can beat the disease while meeting the needs of patients and their families.

Alternative formats

We want you to experience our content in a way that works for you. Click below to read our report in an accessible PDF. To request alternative document formats of our reports, you can contact us.