Help us raise money

Find out more
Find out more about becoming a volunteer fundraiser in your local community.
What should you expect?

We aim to make fundraising for us fun and rewarding. There are many ways that you can fundraise and each one has a huge impact on our life-saving research.
You will be supported – as little or as much as you’d like!
We’ll give you tips and advice on how to maximise your fundraising activity.
You can fundraise on your own, with family and friends, with colleagues or as a group.
We can help to provide fundraising materials and resources for your event or activity.
Whatever brings you to support us, we’ll fully support you. You may have your own ideas and thoughts about how you want to achieve success, but we’ll also be by your side to help and cheer you along the way.
Opportunities for Ambitious Fundraisers – Individuals and Groups
We are looking for driven individuals and groups in the community with the passion and connections to fundraise over £50,000 per annum.
You’ll receive a high level of support from us as we work closely with you to help formulate a fundraising plan.
Your ambition, passion for the cause and connections in your local community will have a significant impact on our work. This is an exciting opportunity to leave your mark on the cancer landscape.