Data and Statistics

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Latest cancer statistics including key stats, in-depth explanations and raw data on cancer incidence, mortality, survival, risk, and diagnosis and treatment.
Links to tools to inform local clinical practice around early detection and diagnosis of cancer.
ICBP measures international variation in cancer survival, incidence, mortality and stage at diagnosis, as well as identifies factors that might be driving these differences.
Relevant examples of work where we are using patient-data for research and analysis.
The Cancer Data Collaborative aims are to improve access, quality and timeliness of cancer data for all users.
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Newsletters targeted at health professionals which provide intelligence to support evidence-based decision making and updates on our activities, as well as our bespoke GP newsletter which includes best practice guidance, practical tools and expert resources.
Explore a selection of reports and publications from the experts at Cancer Research UK, and through various collaborations.
Topics include: summaries of the state of cancer, projections, risk factors and preventability, symptom awareness investigation, intervention success, barrier identification, treatments received and more.
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