
By entering an event, which is organised by a supporter of Cancer Research UK, you agree to the terms and conditions below: 

  1. By taking part, all participants confirm that they are happy for any footage or photographs taken during their participation in the event to be used to publicise Cancer Research UK generally, including television, website and DVD/video broadcasts. 
  2. By taking part, all participants understand that Cancer Research UK may distribute images of participants to those providing media coverage of the event and consent to their images being passed to them and being published in any media reporting details of the event. 
  3. All participants understand that any products distributed at the events are subject to availability and may be withdrawn or substituted if necessary. 
  4. All participants enter the Events entirely at their own risk and the organisers shall not be liable for any injury or loss that participants suffer as a result of taking part in the Events, except where an injury results from the negligence of the organisers. 
  5. All under 18 participants in the Events must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible adult at all times. 
  6. All entry fees are non-refundable. 
  7. As the Events are external to Cancer Research UK, Cancer Research UK shall not be liable for any loss or damage that participants suffer as a result of taking part in the Events.